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Philately is not just stamps, it combines many other components related to postage - envelopes, postmarks, stickers, labels, annotations... Sometimes all these make up an eye-catching set. **************************************************************************************** Filatelistyka to nie tylko znaczki, to wiele innych elementów związanych z przesyłkami pocztowymi - koperta, stemple, nalepki, adnotacje ... Czasem powstają z tego przyciągające wzrok całości.
3 komentarze:
Hello. Nice post again.
I dont remeber how I found your blog last afternoon (I was looking for another subject), but now Im realy interested on it and thinking to begin something like it. (sorry about my english, but I've spent so many time without practice...)
By the way, my email is
Hi,nice blog. I´m enjoying it!!!
I´ll look it again. Regards.
Sole from Argentina.
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